The Game
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Black Mamba is an Italian rock band fronted by women. With a black and white background featuring stars and posters, symbols include microphones, headphones, guitar picks and drumsticks as the low value symbols. Then you have members of the Black Mamba band – you’ll see Alexandra, Cecilia and Fred.
The wild symbol, the snake, is the band’s logo and substitutes for all symbols as usual. Martina (Black Mamba’s lead singer) is the 2x wild and doubles wins when part of a winning combination. You can form wins by getting 3 or more symbols in a row, either horizontally or vertically. The most rewarding symbol is Martina (the 2x wild) which gives you 2, 6 or 50 times your stake for 3, 4 or 5 in combination (double the standard wild).
Cascading reels
Being a Play ‘N Go grid slot, winning symbols from a combination are removed with the remaining symbols dropping down to possibly give you a new in. A wild symbol appears in the middle of a win consisting of 3 symbols. The win multiplier increases with every new drop/win.
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][wolf_images_slider slideshow_speed=”2500″ ids=”1447,1448,1449,1450,1451,1452,1453,1454,1455,1456″][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
Solo features
Black Mamba benefits from Solo features which can be randomly triggered on non-winning base game spins. Depending on the active band member, a different Solo feature is performed. There’s 4 band members so 4 features:
- Alexandra feature – 2 sets of symbols are destroyed and removed from the grid allowing new symbols to land.
- Cecilia feature – 1 of 2 wild symbols are added to the grid.
- Fred feature – 1 set of symbols is transformed into another symbol.
- Martina feature – the bottom row is destroyed (except for wilds) and a Martina symbol replaces another band member. If there’s no band member symbols on the row, no wild is create. This activates only in Concert and on every free spin (more info below).
Concert feature
The Concert feature is activated by charging the meter – you can fill the meter with wins consisting of Alexandra, Cecilia and Fred symbols. With 6 sections, it is filled by 1 for each symbol. 4 charges will trigger the Concert feature and 6 will overcharge it. The win multiplier will be carried over into the Concert feature on overcharge basically.
Once in, the consecutive Solo features with play out one after the other. You start with Alexandra and move onto to Cecilia, Fred and Martina. When no more wins occur after a drop, a band member performs their Solo feature. The feature ends once all Solo features have been performed.
Free Spins feature
If you manage to clear the whole grid with wins, you will trigger the Free Spins feature – the active band member plays the Solo feature on every non-winning free spin but the Martina feature comes into play on every free spin. Every win increases the multiplier too. You can also win more free spins by charging the meter – 4 to 5 charges will give 2 more free spins whilst an overcharge gives you 4 more free spins. The Concert feature can be triggered too and clearing the grid will also give you a cash prize of 50 times your stake.
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][wolf_fittext max_font_size=”40″ text=”FOLLOW LINKS BELOW TO PLAY THE GAME!” font_weight=”700″ letter_spacing=”0″][vc_column_text]
Black Mamba the game can be found on below casinos. Click the “Let’s go” to check it out!
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